Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Treaty of Versailles

After WWI, Europe was left in bad conditions and Germany was blamed for the whole war. Most of Germany's territory was taken from them, and all of their land overseas was lost. The League of Nations took control of all their colonies. The war cost them nearly 10 percent of their land and their overseas colonies, were taken away by allies, who blamed Germany for their losses. On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed. The treaty of Versailles was an official peace treaty which officially ended the war. It was signed exactly 5 years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which was the same reason why the war started in the first place. The Treaty put all the blame on Germany for the causes of the war. Germany was responsible for paying the damages that the war had caused. Life for the German people became very difficult after the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty also took control of Germany’s military. Their armies reduced 100,000 men and were now allowed to only have 6 ships. The German army and navy were limited and bans where put on the use of heavy artillery, tanks, and aircrafts. A major result of the treaty was terrible hardships in Germany, they wanted to get revenge. German people felt let down and angry with the treaty of Versailles because it wasn’t fair. They believed that if they had a strong leader Germany would become better.

I don’t think that the treaty of Versailles was fair because all the blame was put on Germany. They had to pay all the consequences due to the war. This ruined Germany's economy. The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty made without thought of fairness or consideration as to what its effects might be. Instead the treaty created an alien system of democracy. Some historians say that the treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Fascism and Adolf Hitler. The Treaty gave Germany many hardships and it lead to the great depression in Germany. Many people lost their jobs and starved. The country was becoming worse and people were desperate for a new ruler that would bring there country back up. Adolf Hitler was able to take control. He blamed outsiders for causing problems in the nation and attempted to over throw Germany’s government. He talked in a way that impressed and convinced the German people. He had absolute power over the entire country.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mustafa Kemal and the Modernazation of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal was the founder of the Turkish Republic and a great leader in history. His main goal was to modernize Turkish life. He wanted them to have a new source of dignity, equality, and happiness. He came up with the "Six Arrows," which were six fundamentals. These six fundamentals consisted of Republicanism, Populism, Secularism, Reformism, Nationalism, and Sadism. Mustafa Kemal, modernized Turkey by first getting rid of the Ottoman dynasty. This made a huge turning point, since the Ottoman dynasty lasted more than six centuries. He then created the republic of Turkey, in 1923. There he was president for 15 years.

He introduced many reforms to his country like politics, and economical aspects. Transformation took place in the urban and rural life. He created a secular system in which the Moslem majority and the small Christian and Jewish minorities were free to practice their faith and what they believed in. He wanted freedom and equality for all, not depending what religion they were involved in. “The true owner and master of Turkey is the peasant who is the real producer." He believed that the true rulers of Turkey were the peasants who were neglected for many years. Economic and technological developments were a great deal of moderation in Turkey. Secular are things that did not regard or connect with religion, spiritual or scared. He did this by the separation of religion from educational, cultural and legal affairs.

Kemal was able to create a secular government and secular education. He believed that all the people were supposed to dress and live like the Europeans. He changed the way people dressed. People stopped wearing their religious clothing and began to wear more modern clothes. Under his control, the country became better, and more equal. Kemal achieved his goal of Modernizing Turkey in every aspects of life.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Film Lesson "Ghandi"

Gandhi was a hard working and influential person in India who fought for there freedom and independence. He was a lawyer who fought against the racial problems towards the Indians. India wasn't an independent country and at the time was controlled by the British. He wanted to unit people from all religions like Muslim and Hindu. He knew that if he united all religions they would become a strong force and it would be easier to defeat the British. The British had good tactics that could easily defeat them if they weren’t united.

Gandhi had moved to South Africa, where he was a victim of discrimination and unfair laws. He was in 1st class and they told him to move to 3rd class because he was Indian. He refused and was kicked out. The massacre at Amritsar was the act which brought the independence soul from Gandhi. Gandhi was known for fighting using civil disobediences. He taught his people that violence wasn’t going to solve anything. He told the Indians to stop buying goods from the British which would weaken the British government. He made his own clothes and so did his followers.
During the Amritsar Massacre the British were very violent but Gandhi supported peace. So that violence would stop he went on a hunger strike while in prison. He was put into jail many times for his opinion but he came out stronger and more determine to accomplish his goals. Gandhi helped the people protest against British rule and the Salt March on 1930. They were now going to make there own salt so that they wouldn’t have to relay on the British. Gandhi along with hundered men walked 200 miles to the edge of India to the sea and made salt.

In 1947, India won its freedom from Britain. At the end Gandhi was assassinated by an Indian who did not support the idea about Muslims and Hindus living together. Gandhi’s acts of civil disobedience influenced many civil leaders in America like Martin Luther King. In my opinion I believe that India would have reached its freedom due to WWII effect on Britain's power. But Gandhi’s act of civil disobedience was a great way of achieving its independence by using non-violence.